Cambistat Provides Tree Health Benefits
The active ingredient in Cambistat has been University researched and field tested for over 30 years. While originally it was developed as a tree health treatment, power companies have used Cambistat for the past 13 years on over a million trees to manage tree growth across the country.
Cambistat allows trees to redirect energy normally used for branch growth to other tree needs, including:

Increases tolerance to heat and drought

Increases fine root development for better uptake of water and nutrients

Creates healthier, darker green foliage to help defend from disease
Cambistat Provides Community Benefits
You have a choice in the preservation of your community’s urban forest by properly managing tree growth under power lines. Trees provide social, communal, economic, and environmental benefits including:
- Cleaner air with fewer health risks
- Reduced tree stress from less frequent pruning
- Increased property values
- Reduced energy consumption
- Increased quality of life